Employee Comp-Off Request

There are two ways for employees to request comp-off:

  1. Through Employee Portal Module
  2. Through quick add

  1. Through the Employee Portal module.

After logging in, go to the Employee Portal module.

Go to My Attendance(Employee Portal) --> Comp Off Request.

Or select My Attendance on the left navigation bar.

Now select Comp Off Request.

A preview of the Comp Off Request menu is shown below.

Comp Off Request Menu

The employee can either request a Comp-off or a Double Shift Comp-off. They can also view their previously requested comp-offs.

Comp-off Request:

Click the Comp-off Request button in the top right corner of the Comp-Off Request menu.

Comp-Off Request Menu

Now, provide the Leave Date and the Working Date.

  • Leave Date - The date when the employee is about to take leave.
  • Working Date - The date when the employee is going to compensate for his/her Leave Date.
Request Comp-Off Menu

Provide the Reason and then click on the Submit button.

Request Comp-Off Menu

Double Shift Comp-Off Request:

A double shift comp off is a period during which you work two consecutive shifts at your job.

For example, if one shift begins at 10 AM and goes until 4 PM, and the next shift goes from 4 PM to 10 PM, working from 10 AM to 10 PM would be considered a double shift.

Click on the Double Shift Comp-off Request button in the top right corner of the Comp-Off Request menu.

Comp-Off Request Menu

Now, provide the Leave Date and the Working Date.

  • Leave Date - The date when the employee is about to take leave.
  • Working Date - The date when the employee is going to compensate for his/her Leave Date.

Provide the Reason and then click on the Submit button.

Request double shift Comp-Off Menu

To view the already requested comp-off:

To view the already requested comp-offs, click on the Search button.

Now you can view the requested comp-offs.

Click on the View action to view the details of the comp-off.

Now you can view the comp-off request details, requested details, policy details, and the attendance details.

2. Through quick add:

We can also use the Search menu for quick searches.

Use the keyword "comp off req" to find the Comp-Off Request menu.