To Add/Update Exit Reason
To Add Exit Reason
1)Through Employee module.
2)Through quick search
1)Through Employee module
Go to employee module-->Settings menu--> Exit Reason.
Click on the "Add" button which redirects to another page.
Enter the name and remarks and click on the "save" or "save & continue" button.
2)Through quick search
We can also use the Search menu for quick searches.
Use the keyword "exit" to find the "exit reason" button. Click on "Add Exit Reason" which redirects to Exit Reason-Add page.
Click on that button which redirects to the exit reason page.
To update
Go to employee module-->Employee menu--> Exit employee-->Exit reason.
Click on the "search" button which displays the list of exit reasons.
Click on the "Update" button which redirects to another page.
Enter the name, remarks and select the status and click on "Update" or "Update & Continue".