To View Daily Live Attendance

To View Daily Attendance(Live)

                     1)Through the Staff Attendance module

                     2)Through quick search

1)Through the Staff Attendance module

          Go to Staff Attendance Module-->Attendance menu-->Daily Attendance(Live).

         Click on  the "search"  button to view the number of

                                 i)Employee Count

                                 ii)Punch Available/Present

                                 iii)Absent/No punch

                                 iv)In Late, Out Early

                                 v)In Mis Punch, Out Mis Punch

                                 vi)In/Out Mis Punch

  You can also view the list of employees and their attendance details.

        In the appeared list, click on the desired employee name button to view the full employee attendance details.

You can also download the above list in pdf/excel format.

2)Through quick search

       We can also use the Search menu for quick searches.

    Use the keyword " daily" to find the Leave Approval Hierarchy.

       You can also see there appears a "Daily Attendance(Live) " button.

       Click on the Daily Attendance(Live) button to view the details.