To Add/View/Update Employee Payroll Status

There are two ways to add/view/update the payroll status :

  1. Through Staff Payroll Module
  2. Through quick add

  1. Through Staff Payroll Module.

Go to Staff Payroll-->Payroll(Staff Payroll)-->Payroll Status on the home page.

On Payroll(Staff Payroll), select Payroll Status.

Or select Payroll on the left navigation bar.

Then select Payroll Status.

A preview of the Payroll Status menu is shown below.

Payroll Status Menu

You can add, view or update the Payroll Status.

To add a Payroll Status:

Go to Staff Payroll-->ADD Payroll(Staff Payroll)-->Add Payroll Status.

Or click on the Add button in the top right corner of the Payroll Status menu.

Payroll Status Menu

Fill in the mandatory fields.

The mandatory fields include,

  • Month Year - Provide the month and year.
  • Is Payroll Processed - If the payroll is processed select Yes or else select No.
  • Is Emp Payslip Download Available - If the employees are allowed to download their payslip select Yes, or else select No.

If "Is Emp Payslip Download Available" is marked Yes, then we have to provide:

  • Download Availability Type  - Select if the download is available for all employees or group wise.
  • Download From Date - Provide the date from which the employees can download the payslip.
  • Download To Date - Provide the date until which the employees can download the payslip.
Add Payroll Status Menu

Click on the Save button to save the details.

Add Payroll Status Menu

To view all the Payroll Statuses:

In the Payroll Status menu, click on the Search button to view all the Payroll statuses.

Payroll Status Menu

You can now view the details of the payroll statuses.

Payroll Status Menu

There are various actions present. They are,

  • update a Payroll Status
  • To add group
  • To view group
  • To view details
  • To view attachments

To update a Payroll Status:

Click on the Update action in the Payroll Status menu.

Payroll Status Menu

Now you can update the details of the Payroll Status. Then click on the Update button to save the changes.

Update Payroll Status Menu

You can also View the group, details, and attachments. Click on the buttons in the top right corner to do so.

Update Payroll Status Menu

To add a group:

Click on the Add Group action in the Payroll Status menu.

In the Add Group menu, click on the Search button to view the groups.

Add Group Menu

Select the group and click on the Save button.

Add Group Menu

You can also Update, View group, details, and attachments. Click on the buttons in the top right corner to do so.

Add Group Menu

To view group:

Click on the View Group action in the Payroll Status menu.

Payroll Status Menu

Now you can view the group.

View Group Menu

You can also Update, View details, and attachments. Click on the buttons in the top right corner to do so.

View Group Menu

To view details:

To view the details of a payroll status, click on the View Details action.

Payroll Status Menu

Now you can view the details.

View Details Menu

You can also Update, View group, and attachments. Click on the buttons in the top right corner to do so.

View Details Menu

To view attachments:

To view the attachments, click on the Attachment action.

Payroll Status Menu

Now you can view the attachments.

Attachment Payroll Status Menu

You can also Update, View details, and group. Click on the buttons in the top right corner to do so.

Attachment Payroll Status Menu

You can also download the details in Excel or PDF format.

Payroll Status Menu

2. Through quick add

We can also use the Search menu for quick searches.

Use the keyword "payroll" to find the Payroll Status menu.