Srimathi Nanjundamoorthy

Srimathi Nanjundamoorthy

To view Leave Balance

View Leave Balance : Access leave-related information in this menu. View leave balance, allotted leave, taken leave, and monthly maximum allowances for effective leave tracking

To Assign TDS To An Employee

Assign TDS : Allocate TDS to employees: pick financial year, declaration & proof dates for streamlined process.

Claim-Reimbursement Process/Credit

Claim-Reimbursement credit :Effortlessly process approved claim reimbursements. Choose month for payment processing in this menu

To Add Claim-Reimbursement For Employee

Add Claim Reimbursement: By selecting the employee and assigning the Claim-reimbursement type and adding amount,perform this operation seamlessly

To Add/Update Claim-Reimbursement Type

Add Claim Reimbursement : Easily add new claim-reimbursement types and update existing ones. Save changes seamlessly

To Sync Employee Bank Account Details

Sync Account Details :Account details such as PF, ESI, Bank Account number, IFSC, etc. can be updated to already generated Payroll from the Employee Profile data.

To Add/Update Salary Component Combination

Salary Combination : Effortlessly generate salary combinations, distributing amounts based on specified percentage splits through this menu.

Salary Date Setting (LOP Calc.) - Add

Salary Date Setting:Utilize this menu to select a branch and calculate salary by specifying the start and end dates of the month.

To View Salary Component Details

Salary Component DetailsI :t displays the list of components along with an organization's assigned amount, earned amount and deduction amount by selecting the month.

To Add/Update Employee Permission Block

Employee Permission Block : Choose employee, provide reason, and block permission request—restricts further permission requests.