To Add/Update Salary Component Combination

1)Through the Staff Payroll Module

 Go to Staff Payroll Module-->Setting menu -->Salary component combination.

  Click on the "Add" button on the top right corner of the page.

  Now, name the component, select the necessary component you need to combine, and add remarks if required.

 Click on the "save" or "save & continue" button.

2)Through quick search

 We can also use the Search menu for quick search.

 Use the keyword "salary" to find the "Salary Component Combination". There also appears "Add Salary Component Combination" which directly takes you to ADD page.

  Click on that button which redirects to the Salary Component Combination page.

To update

 Go to Staff Payroll Module-->Setting menu -->Salary component combination.

 Click on "search" button which displays the list of salary component combinations.

 Click on the "Update" button which redirects to another page.

 Now update the required details and click on the "Update" button.