To Add/Update/View Claim-Reimbursement Assign

There are two ways to add/update/view the claim reimbursement of the employees:

  1. Through Staff Payroll Module
  2. Through quick add

  1. Through Staff Payroll Module.

Go to Staff Payroll-->Claim-Reimbursement(Staff Payroll)-->Claim-Reimb. Assign on the home page.

On Claim-Reimbursement(Staff Payroll), select Claim-Reimb. Assign.

Or select Claim-Reimbursement on the left navigation bar.

Then select Claim-Reimb. Assign.

A preview of the Claim-Reimbursement Assign menu is shown below.

Claim-Reimbursement Assign Menu

To add employees to a Claim-Reimbursement type:

Click on the Add button in the top right corner of the Claim-Reimbursement Assign menu.

Claim-Reimbursement Assign Menu

Click on the Search button in the Claim-Reimbursement Type Add menu.

Claim-Reimbursement Type Add Menu

Now you can view all the active types of claim reimbursement. Click on the Select action to select a claim-reimbursement type.

Claim-Reimbursement Type Add Menu

Click on the Search button in the Add Claim-Reimbursement Assign menu to view the employee's list.

Add Claim-Reimbursement Assign Menu

Select the employees to add to the Claim-Reimbursement type.

Add Claim-Reimbursement Assign Menu

Fill in all the mandatory fields.

The mandatory fields include,

  • From Date - Provide the starting date from which the employee can claim the reimbursement.
  • To Date - Provide the ending date until which the employee can claim the reimbursement.                    
  • Max Allowed Limit - Provide the maximum amount(per year) up to which the employee can claim the reimbursement.
  • Max Monthly Limit - Provide the monthly maximum amount up to which the employee can claim the reimbursement.

Then click on the Save button.

To update:

Click on the Bulk Update button in the top right corner of the Claim-Reimbursement Assign menu.

Claim-Reimbursement Assign Menu

In the Claims-Reimbursement Type Add menu, click on the Search button to select a claim-reimbursement type.

Claims-Reimbursement Type Add Menu

Click on the Select action to select a claim-reimbursement type.

to select a claim-reimbursement type.

In the Bulk Update  Claim-Reimbursement Assign, click on the Search button to view already existing claims.

Bulk Update Claim-Reimbursement Assign Menu

Now you can select claims and then click on the In Active button to make claims inactive.

Bulk Update Claim-Reimbursement Assign Menu

To view:

Click on the Search button to view the claims.

Claim-Reimbursement Assign Menu

Now you can view the claims.

Claim-Reimbursement Assign Menu

2. Through quick add

We can also use the Search menu for quick searches.

Use the keyword "claim " to find the Claim-Reimbursement Assign menu.