File Wallet

Favourite Wallet

In this menu ,you can make the file wallet as favourite and also if not required ,can make it as unfavourite

File Wallet

Explore our menu of features: create a wallet, share with colleagues, attach files, update, and track download history.

To Add/Update/Delete File Wallet Category

File Wallet Category: The 'File Wallet Category' menu displays all the file wallet categories. You can customize your organization by adding, updating, or deleting categories effortlessly.

File Wallet Monitoring

File Wallet Monitoring: Within this menu, you gain a comprehensive oversight. You can easily view, update details, add or view attachments, review shared files, share items, and monitor downloads with a log showing who accessed the files. You can mark specific details as inactive.

To View File Wallet Download Logs Details

Download Logs: The 'Download Logs' menu provides a centralized view of all downloaded files, offering insights into who downloaded them and the timestamp of each download. It's a convenient tool for tracking file access and usage within your system.