To Add/Update Employee Loan Type

There are two ways to add/update the loan type of employees :

  1. Through Staff Payroll Module
  2. Through quick add

  1. Through Staff Payroll Module.

Go to Staff Payroll-->Settings-->Loan Type on the home page.

On Settings, select Loan Type.

Or select Settings on the left navigation bar.

Then select Loan Type.

A preview of the Loan Type menu is shown below.

Loan Type Menu

You can either add a new loan type or update the already existing loan type.

To Add a New Loan Type:

Go to Staff Payroll-->ADD Setting-->Add Loan Type.

Or click on the Add button in the top right corner of the Loan Type menu.

Loan Type Menu

Provide the name of the loan type and the salary component.

Then click on the Save button to save the changes.

Loan Type - Add Menu

If you want to add more than one loan type, click on the Save & Continue button or else click on the Back button to move to the Loan Type menu.

Loan Type - Add Menu

To Update the already existing loan type:

In the Loan Type menu, click on the Search button to view all the existing loan types.

Loan Type Menu

You can now view all the existing Loan Types.

Loan Type Menu

Click on the Update action to update a loan type.

Loan Type Menu

Update the details and click on the Update button to save the changes.

Loan Type - Update Menu

2. Through quick add

We can also use the Search menu for quick searches.

Use the keyword "loan type" to find the Loan Type menu.