To View the Attrition Report of an Organization

Attrition refers to a gradual but deliberate reduction in staff numbers that occurs as employees leave a company and are not replaced.

There are two ways to view the attrition report of the employees:

  1. Through Employee Module
  2. Through quick add

  1. Through Employee Module.

On the home page, go to Employee-->Exit Employee-->Attrition Report.

Click Exit Employee-->Attrition Report.

On the left navigation bar, select Exit Employee.

Select Attrition Report.

A preview of the Attrition Report menu is shown below.

Attrition Report Menu

Select a year to view the attrition report of that year and then click on the Search button to view them.

Attrition Report Menu

Now you can view both monthly and annual attrition rate report for that year.

Attrition Report Menu

2. Through quick add

We can also use the Search menu for quick searches.

Use the keyword "attrition" to find the Attrition Report menu.