
To View Employee Leave Balance

Leave Balance: Leave Balance: Current accumulated leave days available to employees, facilitating informed time-off decisions and ensuring adequate staffing levels.

To Request Employee Leave/Attendance Changes

Employee leave request: Empower employees to request leaves and modify attendance changes, fostering a responsive system for managing work schedules and time off

Employee Permission Request

Permission Request: Permission Request is a formal submission by an employee to seek approval for a specific time off, providing transparency and facilitating efficient leave management.

To Add/Upload/View Manual Timing Attendance

Manual Timing Attendance :Simplify attendance management: choose employee, date, and time, then save to add attendance manually in this menu, streamlining the process.

To Add/Update Bio-metric Device For Employee

Bio-metric Device: Add/update bio-metric devices for employees, bolstering access control and data protection through advanced biometric authentication methods.

To Add Employee Leave Approval Hierarchy

Leave Approval Hierarchy: Leave Approval Hierarchy defines the sequence of authority responsible for approving employee leave requests, ensuring proper workflow and adherence to company policies.

To Update Leave Approval Hierarchy

Leave Approval Hierarchy :Effortlessly designate leave approvers, limited to approving leave requests, in this menu. Bulk add employees, deactivate or replace approvers as needed

To Add/Update Attendance Type For An Employee

Attendance type : Easily craft new attendance types, specify applicability, effective dates, and even apply Loss of Pay (LOP) when necessary—all within this menu.

To Assign/Update Leave Policy To Employee

Assign Leave Policy :Choose your preferred leave policy, select employees, and seamlessly assign them to the chosen policy—all in one menu.

To Add a New Attendance Policy For an Employee

Attendance Policy: The attendance Policy outlines guidelines for employee punctuality, absenteeism, and leave procedures, promoting a disciplined work environment and ensuring operational efficiency.