Srimathi Nanjundamoorthy

Srimathi Nanjundamoorthy

To View Insight(staff attendance)

Insight : Analyze data by employee or branch effortlessly in this menu. Gain insights like Employee and Shift details, Attendance policies, and more

To View Daily Live Attendance

Daily Attendance Live : Access daily live attendance effortlessly. View Employee Count, Punch Availability, and more details conveniently within this menu

To Add/Upload/View Manual Timing Attendance

Manual Timing Attendance :Simplify attendance management: choose employee, date, and time, then save to add attendance manually in this menu, streamlining the process.

To Update Leave Approval Hierarchy

Leave Approval Hierarchy :Effortlessly designate leave approvers, limited to approving leave requests, in this menu. Bulk add employees, deactivate or replace approvers as needed

To Add/Update Attendance Type For An Employee

Attendance type : Easily craft new attendance types, specify applicability, effective dates, and even apply Loss of Pay (LOP) when necessary—all within this menu.

To Assign/Update Leave Policy To Employee

Assign Leave Policy :Choose your preferred leave policy, select employees, and seamlessly assign them to the chosen policy—all in one menu.

To Add/View/Update Leave Policy For Employee

Leave Policy : Easily manage leave policies in this menu. Add, update, view, and assign policies to employees, simplifying leave administration.

Assigning Attendance Group Manager

Attendance Group Manager : Designate a manager in this menu to oversee employee attendance within the group. Simplify tracking and enhance attendance managemen

Creating Polls For Employee

Poll : Engage employees through polls in this menu. Craft questions and select answer types, fostering participation and valuable insights

Add/Update Employee Task Category

Task Category: Expand task categorization in this menu. Add diverse categories for both current and exit employees, streamlining task management and insights