Srimathi Nanjundamoorthy

Srimathi Nanjundamoorthy

To Process Employee Attendance

Process Attendance :Simply pick employee, set date range, and select branch—attendance processing made easy.

To Add/Update Pay Slip Print Settings

Pay Slip Print Settings :You can create the template by providing all general details like branch name,organization name, Address etc required to print payslip

To View Insight(Staff Payroll)

Insight : Analyze data by employee or branch effortlessly in this menu. Gain insights like Employee Salary component, Claim-reimbursement etc.

To View/Edit Employee Salary Structure

Edit Salary Structure :Modify employee's salary structure and month, even activate new structures by deactivating old ones.

To Add/View/Update Employee Loan Details

Employee Loan Details : Easily assign loans: select employee, input amount, issue date, installment count etc. Update and view payment details seamlessly

To Add/Update/View Employee OT Calculation

OT calculation : Assign overtime (OT) effortlessly in this menu: pick employee, OT type, and date for accurate OT calculations

To Request Optional Holiday Request

Optional Holiday request :Choose employee and desired holiday month in this menu to request time off for the selected month

To Add Employee Holiday /Week Off

Add employee holiday/week off: Input schedules to reflect designated days off, maintaining accurate attendance records and promoting work-life balance.

To Update/Add /View Employee For Holiday/Week-off

Assign Holiday :Simplify holiday/week-off management in this menu. Assign, update, and view employee status. Easily perform bulk exemptions or inactivate holidays as needed

To View Unmatched Log Details

Unmatched Log Details : Effortlessly access unmatched log details in this menu. Download logs in Excel or PDF format for seamless record-keeping.